This sample application is provided with Enterprise Services and demonstrates the capabilities of
ESFramework for building sophisticated, yet user-friendly, web applications quickly and easily.
ESFramework takes much of the burden off of developing HTML applications in a configuration-style
approach, rather than requring a highly experienced modern UI/UX developer. Applications such as this
can be built in a matter of days rather than several months that would be required to deliver the same
level of capability and interactivity with TM1 as you will see here.
User friendly high performance desktop style application over the web
Highly styled and non-grid based look and feel
User guided experience for complex functionality and workflow
Real-time, distributed writeback and calculations using TM1, inclding diimension management
TM1 connected controls, such as Grids, Charts, Date Pickers, Panel Bars, etc.
Integration with TM1Web CubeViewer and WebSheets within the application
Advanced application handling, such as routing, paging, just-in-time loading, etc.